Build Stronger Glutes: Best Home Exercises

Build Stronger Glutes: Best Home Exercises

Having strong glutes not only enhances your physical appearance but also plays a crucial role in overall body strength, posture, and athletic performance. Fortunately, you don’t need a gym membership to achieve toned and powerful glutes. With dedication and the right exercises, you can build stronger glutes right from the comfort of your home. Here’s a comprehensive guide to some of the best exercises you can incorporate into your routine.

1. Squats

How to Do It:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Lower your body as if sitting back into a chair, keeping your chest up and knees behind your toes.
  • Push through your heels to return to the starting position.

Repetitions: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Benefits: Squats engage the entire lower body, focusing on your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps.

2. Lunges

How to Do It:

  • Stand tall and take a step forward with your right leg.
  • Lower your body until your right thigh is parallel to the ground and your knee is directly above your ankle.
  • Push back to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Repetitions: 3 sets of 10-12 reps per leg

Benefits: Lunges target the glutes and help improve balance and coordination.

3. Glute Bridges

How to Do It:

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground, hip-width apart.
  • Lift your hips towards the ceiling by pushing through your heels, squeezing your glutes at the top.
  • Lower your hips back down without touching the ground.

Repetitions: 3 sets of 15 reps

Benefits: Glute bridges isolate and activate the glute muscles effectively.

4. Donkey Kicks

How to Do It:

  • Start on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
  • Keeping your knee bent, lift your right leg towards the ceiling.
  • Lower back down and repeat without touching the ground.

Repetitions: 3 sets of 12-15 reps per leg

Benefits: This exercise specifically targets the gluteus maximus and helps lift and shape the buttocks.

5. Fire Hydrants

How to Do It:

  • Start in the same position as donkey kicks.
  • Keeping your knee bent, lift your right leg out to the side.
  • Lower it back down and repeat without touching the ground.

Repetitions: 3 sets of 12-15 reps per leg

Benefits: Fire hydrants engage the outer glutes, contributing to better hip stability.

6. Step-Ups

How to Do It:

  • Find a sturdy step or platform.
  • Step up with your right foot, driving through your heel and bringing your left knee up towards your chest.
  • Step back down and repeat with the left leg.

Repetitions: 3 sets of 10-12 reps per leg

Benefits: Step-ups work the glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings, mimicking functional movements.

7. Bulgarian Split Squats

How to Do It:

  • Stand a few feet in front of a bench or chair and place your right foot on it.
  • Lower your body into a lunge, ensuring your left knee stays above your ankle.
  • Push through your left heel to return to the starting position.

Repetitions: 3 sets of 10-12 reps per leg

Benefits: This exercise intensifies the squat movement and places greater emphasis on the glutes.

8. Clamshells

How to Do It:

  • Lie on your side with your knees bent and stacked on top of each other.
  • Keeping your feet together, lift your top knee as high as possible without moving your pelvis.
  • Lower it back down.

Repetitions: 3 sets of 15 reps per side

Benefits: Clamshells target the gluteus medius, crucial for hip stability and strength.

9. Single-Leg Deadlifts

How to Do It:

  • Stand on your right leg, holding a weight in your left hand.
  • Hinge at the hips to lower the weight towards the ground while lifting your left leg behind you.
  • Return to standing position.

Repetitions: 3 sets of 10-12 reps per leg

Benefits: This exercise improves balance while engaging the glutes, hamstrings, and core.

10. Sumo Squats

How to Do It:

  • Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width and toes pointed slightly outward.
  • Lower your body into a squat, keeping your back straight and chest up.
  • Push through your heels to return to standing.

Repetitions: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Benefits: Sumo squats emphasize the inner thighs and glutes.

Tips for Success

  • Warm-Up: Always start with a warm-up to prepare your muscles and prevent injuries.
  • Progressive Overload: Gradually increase weights or resistance to continue challenging your muscles.
  • Consistency: Aim to incorporate these exercises into your routine 2-3 times a week for best results.
  • Nutrition: Maintain a balanced diet to support muscle growth and recovery.


Building stronger glutes requires dedication, but with these effective home exercises, you can achieve your fitness goals without the need for a gym. Stay consistent, focus on proper form, and enjoy the journey to a stronger, more toned lower body. Your glutes will thank you!

The 10 best glute exercises at home, according to a personal trainer

The 10 best glute exercises at home, according to a personal trainer

Want a rounder, bigger butt? String these exercises together for a glute workout that will sculpt a stronger backside using just your bodyweight.

A rounder, tighter and yes, bigger, butt is a request I hear often from clients. And while there are no shortage of social media hacks and butt-lifting pants to enhance the appearance of your backside, the only true way to achieve a tightened, toned butt is to work the glute muscles.

While you may be motivated by aesthetic goals, having strong glutes is good for so much more. The glute muscles help us walk and move more safely and efficiently and sit with better posture. Strengthening the glutes also helps train the legs and back to work together, which reduces the potential for straining or injuring your back or legs.

The best news? Working the glutes is simple. It doesn’t require complicated exercises or fancy equipment. These moves require just your bodyweight and you can do them wherever you are — at home in front of your television or on your lunch break! Commit to this short routine for a few weeks and you will start to feel your glutes activate and you’ll likely see a change in the way your body looks.

Perform 10 reps of each exercise, for 3 rounds total.

wall squat exercise
Wall squat

Wall squat 

Lean against a wall with your back straight and your feet hip-width apart. Keep your arms at your sides as you slide down the wall, bending at the knees. Bend until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Your feet should be far enough from the wall that you form a 90-degree angle at the knee joint. Squeeze your abs and glutes and hold for a few seconds before sliding your back up the wall to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

goblet squat exercise
Goblet squat

Goblet squat

Stand with your feet wider than the hips with your toes facing slightly outward. Bring your palms together at your chest with your elbows bent. Squeeze your abs and look forward as you push your hips backward and bend your knees. Remember to keep your back straight as you continue to lower your butt until your hips are below your knees. Position your elbows so that they are inside your knees before pushing down through the heels to stand back up.

Squat leg lift exercise
Squat into side leg lift

Squat into side leg lift

This progression from a basic squat will fire up your hamstrings, quads and gluteus maximus, while also targeting the gluteus medius (the side hip) during the leg lift. To perform this, first do a squat. Then, as you stand up extend the right leg out to the right and lift it up as high as the hip to work the outer right hip and thigh. Place the foot back down and lower into a squat. Repeat 10 times, then switch to the other side.

Forward lunge
Forward lunge

Forward lunge

Step your right foot forward and bend the right knee, making sure the knee tracks over the ankle. Bend the left leg so that the knee reaches toward the floor. Push down through the right heel to press back to the starting position. Repeat 10 times, then switch sides.

reverse lunge exercise
Reverse lunge

Reverse lunge

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your hands in prayer position or at your sides. Step the right foot back into a lunge position. Brace your core and lower down until your knee almost touches the floor. Both knees should be at about a 90-degree angle. Step forward and return to standing. Repeat 10 times before switching sides.

glute bridge exercise
Glute bridge

Glute bridge 

Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Your knees should be hip-distance apart. Raise your hips by squeezing your glutes to create a straight line from your neck to your knees, being careful not to hyperextend your hips. Clasp your hands underneath your back for a deeper stretch or keep the arms extended on the floor, fingers pointing toward your feet. Hold the pose for 5 seconds. Don’t let your knees splay out to the side or collapse inward. Slowly lower down. Repeat 10 times.

Backward leg lift

Backward leg lift

Standing with your feet hips-width apart, reach your right foot a couple of feet behind you. Keep the leg straight as you lift the leg up off of the floor to engage your hamstring and glute. Lower the leg down. Repeat 10 times, then switch sides.

curtsy lunge

Curtsy lunge

Stand with your feet as shoulder-width apart. Step your right foot back and slightly to the left of your left foot. Bend both knees as you lower down into a lunge in this curtsy position. Then press down through your front, left heel to bring your right leg back to center. Perform 10 repetitions and then switch sides.

fire hydrant

Fire hydrant

Start on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders, fingers spread wide, and knees directly below your hips. Press evenly into both hands and maintain this balanced pressure throughout. Keep the back straight by engaging the abs. Being mindful to keep the knees at a 90-degree angle, lift your right knee off the ground slightly. Maintaining the bend in your knee, reach the right knee out to the side and up to hip height (or slightly lower for a modification). Return back to the starting position. This is one repetition. Perform 10 repetitions and then switch sides.



Lie on your right side and prop yourself up on your right elbow. Bend your knees and stack them in front of you at a 45-degree angle. Keep your heels together and lift your top (left) knee toward the ceiling, opening your hips, while keeping your right knee on the floor. Repeat 10 times, then switch to the left side.

Ejercicios Efectivos para Embellecer y Tonificar tus Brazos

Ejercicios Efectivos para Embellecer y Tonificar tus Brazos

Los brazos tonificados y esculpidos son el sueño de muchas personas que desean lucir una apariencia más estética y saludable. Afortunadamente, existen una variedad de ejercicios simples pero efectivos que puedes realizar para lograr este objetivo. Ya sea que estés buscando reducir la flacidez, definir los músculos o simplemente fortalecer tus brazos, estos ejercicios te ayudarán a alcanzar tus metas de forma efectiva.

Flexiones de Brazos:

Las flexiones son un ejercicio clásico que no solo trabaja los músculos de los brazos, sino también los músculos del pecho, hombros y abdomen. Para realizar una flexión correctamente, colócate en posición de plancha con las manos colocadas ligeramente más anchas que los hombros. Baja lentamente tu cuerpo hacia el suelo doblando los codos, manteniendo el cuerpo recto y los abdominales contraídos. Empuja hacia arriba para volver a la posición inicial. Comienza con un número de repeticiones que puedas manejar y aumenta gradualmente a medida que ganas fuerza.

Elevaciones Laterales:

Este ejercicio se enfoca en los músculos deltoides laterales, ayudando a tonificar y definir los brazos. Con un par de mancuernas en cada mano, párate con los pies separados a la altura de los hombros. Manteniendo una ligera flexión en los codos, levanta los brazos hacia los lados hasta que estén paralelos al suelo. Mantén la posición por un segundo y luego baja los brazos de manera controlada. Realiza varias repeticiones con un peso que desafíe pero que te permita mantener una buena técnica.

Curl de Bíceps:

Los curls de bíceps son uno de los ejercicios más efectivos para fortalecer y definir los músculos de los brazos. Con un par de mancuernas en cada mano, mantén los brazos a los lados con las palmas mirando hacia adelante. Dobla los codos para levantar las mancuernas hacia los hombros, manteniendo los codos cerca del cuerpo. Haz una pausa en la parte superior y luego baja las mancuernas de manera controlada. Realiza varias repeticiones, enfocándote en mantener una buena forma y controlar el movimiento.

Tríceps Dips:

Este ejercicio se dirige específicamente a los músculos tríceps en la parte posterior de los brazos. Utiliza una silla o banco resistente para realizar dips. Coloca las manos en el borde del asiento con los dedos mirando hacia adelante y camina los pies hacia adelante hasta que las rodillas estén ligeramente dobladas. Baja lentamente tu cuerpo doblando los codos hasta que los brazos estén paralelos al suelo, luego empuja hacia arriba para volver a la posición inicial. Mantén el abdomen contraído y evita balancear el cuerpo durante el ejercicio.


Incorporar estos ejercicios de forma regular en tu rutina de entrenamiento te ayudará a fortalecer y embellecer tus brazos, proporcionando resultados visibles y duraderos. Recuerda mantener una técnica adecuada, variar tu rutina de ejercicios y ser constante en tu entrenamiento para obtener los mejores resultados. Con determinación y dedicación, podrás lograr unos brazos tonificados y definidos que te harán sentir orgulloso(a) de tu apariencia física. ¡Empieza hoy mismo y trabaja hacia tus metas de fitness!

El Desafío de las Sentadillas por 30 Días: Un Camino Hacia la Fortaleza y Resistencia

El Desafío de las Sentadillas por 30 Días: Un Camino Hacia la Fortaleza y Resistencia

Las sentadillas son uno de los ejercicios más efectivos para fortalecer los músculos de las piernas, glúteos y core. Su simplicidad y eficacia las convierten en una opción popular para aquellos que buscan mejorar su fuerza y tonificar su cuerpo. Uno de los desafíos más conocidos en el mundo del fitness es el “Reto de las Sentadillas por 30 Días”, un programa diseñado para ayudar a las personas a mejorar su resistencia y alcanzar sus objetivos de acondicionamiento físico. En este artículo, exploraremos en qué consiste este desafío, sus beneficios y cómo llevarlo a cabo de manera efectiva.

¿Qué es el Reto de las Sentadillas por 30 Días?

El Reto de las Sentadillas por 30 Días es un programa de ejercicio diseñado para aumentar progresivamente el número de sentadillas que una persona puede hacer en un período de 30 días. Por lo general, comienza con un número moderado de sentadillas el primer día y aumenta gradualmente la cantidad diaria hasta llegar a un número más alto al final del desafío. Este programa se ha vuelto popular en las redes sociales y entre los entusiastas del fitness debido a su simplicidad y resultados potenciales.

Beneficios del Reto de las Sentadillas por 30 Días

  1. Fortalecimiento Muscular: Las sentadillas son un ejercicio compuesto que trabaja múltiples grupos musculares a la vez, incluyendo los cuádriceps, los glúteos, los isquiotibiales y los músculos de la espalda baja. Realizar sentadillas regularmente puede ayudar a fortalecer estos músculos, lo que a su vez puede mejorar la estabilidad y prevenir lesiones.
  2. Mejora de la Resistencia: A medida que progresas en el desafío y aumentas el número de sentadillas que haces cada día, tu resistencia muscular también aumentará. Esto puede traducirse en una mayor capacidad para realizar actividades diarias y deportivas con mayor facilidad y eficacia.
  3. Tonificación de Glúteos y Piernas: Las sentadillas son conocidas por su capacidad para tonificar y esculpir los glúteos y las piernas. Al participar en el Reto de las Sentadillas por 30 Días, puedes esperar ver mejoras en la firmeza y definición de estas áreas.
  4. Mayor Quema de Calorías: Dado que las sentadillas son un ejercicio que involucra múltiples grupos musculares grandes, también pueden ayudar a aumentar la quema de calorías durante y después del ejercicio. Esto puede ser beneficioso para aquellos que buscan perder peso o mantenerse en forma.

Cómo Realizar el Reto de las Sentadillas por 30 Días

  1. Establece un Objetivo Realista: Antes de comenzar el desafío, establece un objetivo realista en términos del número de sentadillas que te gustaría poder hacer al final de los 30 días. Esto te dará algo concreto hacia lo que trabajar y te mantendrá motivado a lo largo del proceso.
  2. Calentamiento y Estiramiento: Antes de realizar cualquier ejercicio, asegúrate de calentar adecuadamente tus músculos con algunos minutos de cardio ligero, como saltar la cuerda o trotar en el lugar. También es importante estirar los músculos de las piernas para evitar lesiones.
  3. Incrementa Gradualmente la Cantidad Diaria: Comienza con un número moderado de sentadillas el primer día, como 20 o 30, y aumenta gradualmente la cantidad cada día. Puedes aumentar el número en incrementos pequeños, como 5 o 10 sentadillas adicionales por día.
  4. Descansa y Recupérate: Es importante permitir que tus músculos se recuperen entre sesiones de ejercicio. Si sientes dolor intenso o fatiga extrema, tómate un día de descanso o haz una sesión de ejercicio de menor intensidad para permitir que tus músculos se recuperen.
  5. Mantén la Forma Correcta: Al realizar sentadillas, asegúrate de mantener una forma adecuada para evitar lesiones. Mantén los pies al ancho de los hombros, baja el cuerpo como si te estuvieras sentando en una silla y mantén la espalda recta.
  6. Celebra tus Logros: A medida que progresas a lo largo del desafío, tómate un momento para celebrar tus logros y reconocer todo el trabajo duro que has puesto. Ya sea que hayas alcanzado tu objetivo o simplemente hayas mejorado tu resistencia, cada paso en la dirección correcta es motivo de celebración.

En conclusión, el Reto de las Sentadillas por 30 Días es una excelente manera de mejorar la fuerza, resistencia y tonificación muscular en las piernas y glúteos. Al establecer objetivos realistas, mantener una progresión gradual y prestar atención a la forma adecuada, puedes experimentar los beneficios de este desafío y llevar tu acondicionamiento físico al siguiente nivel. ¡Así que ponte en marcha y únete al desafío hoy mismo!

Reto de 29 Días para un Abdomen Perfecto: ¡Transforma tu Cuerpo!

Reto de 29 Días para un Abdomen Perfecto: ¡Transforma tu Cuerpo!

¿Estás listo para dar un giro a tu rutina de ejercicios y conseguir el abdomen que siempre has deseado? ¡Entonces este reto de 29 días es para ti! No se trata solo de hacer abdominales interminables, sino de combinar ejercicios efectivos con una alimentación balanceada y hábitos saludables. En este artículo, te guiaremos a través de un plan de entrenamiento progresivo diseñado para tonificar y fortalecer tu abdomen en solo 29 días. ¡Prepárate para el desafío y transforma tu cuerpo!

Día 1-7: Preparación y Fundamentos: Durante la primera semana, nos centraremos en establecer una base sólida para el resto del reto. Realizaremos ejercicios básicos de abdomen para familiarizarnos con los movimientos y comenzar a activar los músculos centrales. Además, es importante mantener una alimentación equilibrada, rica en proteínas, verduras y grasas saludables, y beber suficiente agua para mantenernos hidratados.

Día 8-14: Intensificación del Entrenamiento: A medida que avanzamos hacia la segunda semana, aumentaremos la intensidad de nuestros ejercicios abdominales. Incorporaremos variaciones más desafiantes, como las planchas laterales, las elevaciones de piernas y los crunches con peso. Es fundamental mantener la motivación y la consistencia en este punto del reto. Recuerda también prestar atención a tu descanso y recuperación, permitiendo que tus músculos se reparen y crezcan.

Día 15-21: Enfoque en la Nutrición: Durante la tercera semana, pondremos un énfasis especial en nuestra alimentación. Mantener una dieta saludable y equilibrada es clave para ver resultados en nuestro abdomen. Evita los alimentos procesados y ricos en azúcares, y opta por alimentos integrales y nutritivos. Además, considera la posibilidad de reducir el consumo de alcohol y refrescos, ya que pueden contribuir al aumento de grasa abdominal.

Día 22-29: Desafío Final y Mantenimiento: En la última semana del reto, nos centraremos en desafiar nuestros límites y llevar nuestro entrenamiento al siguiente nivel. Realizaremos sesiones de ejercicios más intensas y variadas, incluyendo circuitos de alta intensidad y ejercicios de cardio. Además, prestaremos especial atención a nuestra postura y técnica, asegurándonos de realizar cada movimiento correctamente para maximizar los resultados y prevenir lesiones.

Conclusión: ¡Felicidades, has completado el reto de 29 días para un abdomen perfecto! Durante este período, has trabajado duro, has desafiado tus límites y has adoptado hábitos saludables que te ayudarán a mantener tus resultados a largo plazo. Recuerda que el camino hacia un abdomen tonificado y definido no se detiene aquí. Continúa con tu compromiso con el ejercicio regular, una alimentación balanceada y un estilo de vida saludable, y verás cómo tu abdomen sigue mejorando con el tiempo. ¡Sigue adelante y alcanza tus metas de fitness!

Recetas de Bebidas Caseras para Adelgazar de Forma Saludable

Recetas de Bebidas Caseras para Adelgazar de Forma Saludable

En la búsqueda por mantener una vida saludable y alcanzar el peso ideal, es fundamental prestar atención no solo a lo que comemos, sino también a lo que bebemos. Las bebidas caseras pueden ser aliadas poderosas en este camino hacia la pérdida de peso, ya que nos permiten controlar los ingredientes y evitar el exceso de azúcares y calorías. A continuación, te presentamos algunas recetas de bebidas caseras que te ayudarán a adelgazar de forma saludable.

1. Agua de Limón y Pepino:

  • Ingredientes:
    • 1 limón cortado en rodajas
    • 1 pepino cortado en rodajas
    • 2 litros de agua
    • Hojas de menta (opcional)
  • Preparación:
    1. Coloca las rodajas de limón y pepino en una jarra.
    2. Agrega las hojas de menta si deseas un sabor extra.
    3. Llena la jarra con los 2 litros de agua y refrigera por al menos 2 horas antes de servir.
    4. Esta refrescante bebida no solo ayuda a hidratarte, sino que también estimula el metabolismo y contribuye a la eliminación de toxinas.

2. Batido de Piña y Espinacas:

  • Ingredientes:
    • 2 tazas de piña fresca cortada en trozos
    • 1 taza de espinacas frescas
    • 1 vaso de agua de coco
    • Jugo de medio limón
  • Preparación:
    1. Coloca todos los ingredientes en una licuadora.
    2. Mezcla hasta obtener una consistencia suave y homogénea.
    3. Sirve inmediatamente y disfruta de este batido rico en fibra, vitaminas y minerales, ideal para ayudarte a sentirte lleno por más tiempo y controlar el apetito.

3. Té Verde Frío con Menta:

  • Ingredientes:
    • 2 bolsitas de té verde
    • 1 litro de agua
    • Hojas de menta fresca
    • Rodajas de limón (opcional)
  • Preparación:
    1. Hierve el litro de agua y agrégale las bolsitas de té verde.
    2. Deja reposar durante 5 minutos, luego retira las bolsitas y deja enfriar.
    3. Agrega unas hojas de menta fresca al té y refrigera por al menos 1 hora.
    4. Sirve con rodajas de limón si deseas un toque cítrico adicional.
    5. Este refrescante té verde con menta es una excelente opción para aumentar la quema de grasas y mejorar la digestión.

Conclusión: Las bebidas caseras pueden ser una herramienta efectiva en tu camino hacia el adelgazamiento saludable. Al preparar tus propias bebidas, puedes controlar los ingredientes y evitar el exceso de calorías y azúcares presentes en muchas bebidas comerciales. Incorpora estas recetas a tu rutina diaria y ¡empieza a disfrutar de los beneficios para tu salud y tu peso! Recuerda siempre complementar estas bebidas con una alimentación balanceada y la práctica regular de ejercicio físico.

Get Stronger Abs: 6 Moves You’ve Never Tried

Endlessly doing leg raises, basic planks, and oblique crunches can become redundant if you’re looking for a program that really attacks your abs. It’s easy to fall into the habit of doing abs exercises that are convenient and easy—but we all know that’s the ticket to plateau central.

Because of this, it’s important to change the game and provide an added challenge for the abdominals. These six moves do just that.

Abs Exercises: 6 Moves You’ve Never Tried

Close up shot of man's abs. abs exercises

Man doing a plank. abs exercises

Man doing a dragon flag exercise. abs exercises

5 exercícios para treinar perna em casa

O treino de pernas para fazer em casa é simples e fácil permitindo trabalhar glúteos, panturrilha, coxa e parte posterior da perna, podendo ser feitos com ou sem a utilização de pesos.

Esses exercícios ajudam a melhorar a resistência e a força muscular, além de tonificar a pele, combater a flacidez e, no caso de mulheres, melhorar a aparência da celulite. No entanto, deve-se sempre ter em consideração as condições físicas e as limitações do corpo para evitar lesões como contusão, estiramento ou distensão muscular.

Por isso, é importante uma avaliação médica antes de iniciar qualquer atividade física e de um educador físico que pode orientar treinos que atendam às necessidades e objetivos de forma individualizada.

Como fazer o treino de perna em casa

O treino de perna em casa pode ser feito de 1 a 2 vezes por semana, com exercícios que trabalhem força, resistência e equilíbrio, por exemplo.

É importante, antes de iniciar o treino fazer um aquecimento para melhorar o desempenho muscular, ativar a circulação e prevenir lesões. Uma boa opção de aquecimento é fazer uma caminhada de 5 minutos, dar 10 pulos seguidos o mais rápido que conseguir ou subir e descer escadas por 5 minutos, por exemplo.

Algumas opções de exercícios para fazer um treino de perna em casa são:

1. Flexão plantar

Esse exercício ajuda a fortalecer os músculos da panturrilha, além de melhorar o equilíbrio do corpo e prevenir lesões em treinos de corrida ou caminhada, por exemplo.

Como fazer: apoiar-se em uma parede ou no encosto de uma cadeira. Com a coluna reta e o abdômen contraído, ficar de ponta de pé e retornar à posição inicial. Esse treino pode ser feito em 3 séries de 12 a 20 movimentos e com 20 a 30 segundos de descanso entre cada série.

Opção com peso: pode-se usar caneleira, uma em cada perna, ou segurar peso nas mãos como halteres ou usar garrafas pet com água ou areia, para intensificar o trabalho muscular.

2. Elevação de perna

A elevação de perna é um exercício que melhora a mobilidade, flexibilidade e força muscular dos glúteos e da parte posterior da coxa, além dos músculos do quadril, podendo ajudar no equilíbrio corporal.

5 exercícios para treinar perna em casa

O treino de pernas para fazer em casa é simples e fácil permitindo trabalhar glúteos, panturrilha, coxa e parte posterior da perna, podendo ser feitos com ou sem a utilização de pesos.

Esses exercícios ajudam a melhorar a resistência e a força muscular, além de tonificar a pele, combater a flacidez e, no caso de mulheres, melhorar a aparência da celulite. No entanto, deve-se sempre ter em consideração as condições físicas e as limitações do corpo para evitar lesões como contusão, estiramento ou distensão muscular.

Por isso, é importante uma avaliação médica antes de iniciar qualquer atividade física e de um educador físico que pode orientar treinos que atendam às necessidades e objetivos de forma individualizada.

Como fazer o treino de perna em casa

O treino de perna em casa pode ser feito de 1 a 2 vezes por semana, com exercícios que trabalhem força, resistência e equilíbrio, por exemplo.

É importante, antes de iniciar o treino fazer um aquecimento para melhorar o desempenho muscular, ativar a circulação e prevenir lesões. Uma boa opção de aquecimento é fazer uma caminhada de 5 minutos, dar 10 pulos seguidos o mais rápido que conseguir ou subir e descer escadas por 5 minutos, por exemplo.

Algumas opções de exercícios para fazer um treino de perna em casa são:

1. Flexão plantar


Esse exercício ajuda a fortalecer os músculos da panturrilha, além de melhorar o equilíbrio do corpo e prevenir lesões em treinos de corrida ou caminhada, por exemplo.

Como fazer: apoiar-se em uma parede ou no encosto de uma cadeira. Com a coluna reta e o abdômen contraído, ficar de ponta de pé e retornar à posição inicial. Esse treino pode ser feito em 3 séries de 12 a 20 movimentos e com 20 a 30 segundos de descanso entre cada série.

Opção com peso: pode-se usar caneleira, uma em cada perna, ou segurar peso nas mãos como halteres ou usar garrafas pet com água ou areia, para intensificar o trabalho muscular.

2. Elevação de perna

A elevação de perna é um exercício que melhora a mobilidade, flexibilidade e força muscular dos glúteos e da parte posterior da coxa, além dos músculos do quadril, podendo ajudar no equilíbrio corporal.

Como fazer: pegar uma cadeira e apoiar uma mão na parte do encosto. Com a coluna reta e abdômen contraído, elevar uma perna para frente e depois levar a perna para trás, fazendo movimentos como se a perna fosse um pêndulo. Repetir o exercício com a outra perna e voltar à posição inicial. Esse treino pode ser feito em 2 a 3 séries de 10 a 15 repetições.

Opção com peso: a elevação de perna pode ser feita usando-se caneleira, uma em cada perna e com peso recomendado por um educador físico.

3. Agachamento

O agachamento é um exercício completo para as pernas pois trabalha glúteo, coxas, panturrilha, parte posterior das pernas e abdômen.

Como fazer: em pé, afastar os pés, alinhados à largura dos ombros. As costas devem sempre ficar retas e abdômen contraído. Descer lentamente flexionando os joelhos, inclinando o tronco ligeiramente para frente e empurrando o bumbum bem para trás, como se fosse sentar numa cadeira invisível. Descer até que os joelhos fiquem num ângulo de 90 graus e não ultrapassem a ponta dos pés. Voltar à posição inicial. Fazer 3 séries de 20 repetições com 1 minuto de descanso entre as séries. Veja outros benefícios do agachamento e como fazer corretamente.

Opção com peso: pode-se usar como peso uma bola de kettle ou halter e, caso não os tenha, pode-se colocar um ou mais pacotes de 1kg de arroz ou de feijão dentro de uma mochila, por exemplo. Assim, deve-se pegar o peso, e com os dois braços à frente do corpo segurá-lo e fazer o movimento do agachamento descendo com os braços alinhados ao corpo.

4. Agachamento isométrico

O agachamento isométrico é outra forma de agachamento que trabalha os músculos do glúteo, coxa, posteriores da coxa e lombar. Este agachamento tem a vantagem de ajudar a prevenir lesões, aumenta a potência, resistência e definição muscular, além de fortalecer os músculos.

Como fazer: apoiar as costas em uma parede, separar as pernas a uma distância correspondente à largura dos ombros. Dobrar os joelhos e descer em direção ao chão, como se fosse sentar em uma cadeira, formando um ângulo de 90 graus. Ficar nessa posição por 45 a 60 segundos e voltar à posição inicial. Repetir essa série 3 vezes, com descanso de 1 minuto entre cada. Uma outra opção de fazer o agachamento isométrico é usar uma bola de ginástica entre as costas e a parede.

Opção com peso: pode-se usar como peso um halter ou uma garrafa pet cheia de água e fazer o agachamento isométrico colocando os braços à frente do corpo, com as duas mãos juntas segurando o peso alinhadas ao corpo e entre as pernas.

5. Agachamento búlgaro

O agachamento búlgaro é um dos treinos mais eficientes para trabalhar as coxas e os glúteos, melhorando o fortalecimento e o alongamento muscular, além de tonificar as pernas.

Como fazer: de costas, apoiar uma perna em cima de uma cadeira ou um banco, mantendo o outro pé no chão. Flexionar o joelho da perna que está apoiada no chão, descendo como se tivesse agachando. É importante manter a coluna reta e os pés e quadris alinhados. Fazer 3 séries de 10 repetições com cada perna, descansando 1 minuto entre cada série.

Opção com peso: pode-se usar um halter em cada mão para fazer os agachamentos ou usar garrafa pet cheia com água ou areia ou pacote de 1kg de arroz ou feijão, por exemplo.

O que fazer depois do treino

Após o treino de pernas, é importante fazer alongamentos para ajudar a relaxar a musculatura, reduzir a rigidez muscular e evitar cãibras, além de tonificar os músculos, melhorar a flexibilidade e prevenir lesões.

Os alongamentos para as pernas devem incluir os músculos da parte anterior e posterior da coxa e panturrilha. Para fazer esses alongamentos, não é necessário o uso de pesos.

1. Alongamento da parte posterior da coxa

O alongamento da parte posterior da coxa pode ser feito sentado no chão, permitindo alongar os músculos posteriores da coxa, o glúteo, a panturrilha e a planta do pé.

Como fazer: deve-se sentar no chão com as pernas retas, dobrar uma das pernas e com a coluna reta e ombros alinhados, inclinar o corpo para frente para alcançar o pé com uma mão e tentar puxá-lo em direção ao corpo, segurando por 20 a 30 segundos. Repetir com a outra perna.

2. Alongamento da parte anterior da coxa

O alongamento da parte anterior da coxa deve ser feito em pé e com as costas retas. Esse exercício permite alongar o músculo quadríceps da coxa, além de ajudar a melhorar a flexibilidade dos quadris.

Como fazer: apoiar-se em uma perna e dobrar a outra para trás, segurando-a com as mãos por 30 a 60 segundos. Repetir com a outra perna.

Aqui na Exercit você encontra vários equipamentos para malhar em casa:

Aqui na Exercit você encontra vários equipamentos para malhar em casa:


  • HOTTA, Kazuki; et al. Daily muscle stretching enhances blood flow, endothelial function, capillarity, vascular volume and connectivity in aged skeletal muscle. J Physiol. 596. 10; 1903–1917, 2018
  • EFDEPORTES.COM, REVISTA DIGITAL.. Efeito do alongamento de cadeia posterior em praticantes de musculação. 2015. Disponível em: <>


Malasana (Garland Pose) Steps, Variations and Benefits

Malasana, also known as Garland Pose or Yogi Squat Pose deepens the hips, waist and lower back, opens the pelvis and loosens the hips and lower back as it tones the abdominal muscles and aids in elimination.

Experts believe that regular practice of Malasana works on the muscles around the knees and it tones the muscles and tissues around the knees. It is especially beneficial for pregnant women, as it can aid in childbirth later.

t relieves this tension and tension, which tends to accumulate in the hips, by pressing the palms together to strengthen and tone the chest muscles. It also stretches the Achilles tendon.


Know as: Malasana, Garland Pose, Yogi Squat Pose, Sitting Down Pose, Wide Squat Pose, Upavesasana, Squat Pose
Sanskrit name: मालासन
IAST: Mālāsana
Pronunciation: ma-LAH-suh-nuh
Level: Beginner
Type: Seated pose, Hip opener
Total time: 1 to 2 minutes
Drishti: Forward
Chakra: Swadisthana Chakra, Muladhara Chakra
Focus: Legs, arches of knee and feet
Indications: Metabolism, digestion, menstrual discomfort, sciatica
Counterpose: Dandasana (Staff Pose)
Preparatory poses: Butterfly Pose, Wide-angle Seated Forward Bend Pose, Virasana
Follow-up poses: Intense Forward-bending Pose, Down Dog Pose, Cobra Pose
Contraindications: Low back injuryankle injuryknee injuryhip injury, high blood pressure (broaden your stance), vertigo

Meaning + Origin

The Malasana is derived from the Sanskrit name, which is made up of two words — Mala + asana:

  1. Mala” = “garland”
  2. asana” = “pose or posture”

This is the real origin of the asana name, because it looks like pose located in ancient India to eliminate waste. Activates Swadisthana Chakra, which affects both the yogi’s sexuality and their feelings.

The Wide Squat Pose is the preparatory pose for arm balance pose, Crow Pose (Kakasana). The pose is also a grounding pose which stimulates your Veu, or stimulates the energy flowing downwards. By tapping this energy, practitioner is also holding back to her physical, spiritual or emotional issues.

The garlands of flowers, or beads are often used as ritual offerings and altar decorations in India. Mala beads, which is also called prayer beads, is traditionally used to assist in meditation. Hip-opener yoga is used to help in preparing the body for long-term focus, traditionally poses like Garland Pose. By practicing this yoga asana, you can helps to join the ancient rituals of yoga, which can take you deeply in your meditation practice.

Benefits of Malasana (Garland Pose)

The wonderful physical and mental benefits of Malasana or Garland Pose are listed below:

  1. Physical Benefits:
    • Strengthens the arches of the feet and ankles
    • Alleviates low back pain
    • Increases circulation to digestive system
    • Tones the abdominal organs
    • Opens the hips
    • Improves balance
    • Helps relieve constipation
    • Helps relieve menstrual discomfort
    • Relieves sciatica
  2. Mental Benefits:
    • Cultivates focus
    • Reduces stress
    • Relieves anxiety
    • Relieves mild depression
    • Creates poise

Malasana Practice Guide

Garland Pose Gentle Variation

Yogi squat, Malasana (Garland Pose) Steps, Variations and Benefits - Sharp Muscle
Image: simonagyoga/Instagram


  • Stand with feet about hip-width apart. Separate the feet so wide that both the ankles are on the ground as soon as you come into the squat. This may mean raising the hips higher, and that’s okay.
  • Adapt the squat to the body. If it is difficult to maintain balance, hold on to the back of the chair. Press into the four corners of the legs to create a solid foundation.
  • Try to keep the soles and heels of the feet flat on the floor. Pull on the abdominal muscles.
  • Keeping the palms open, rest the forearms on the knees. If you wish, place the palms together in front of the heart center (breastbone) in Namaste and press the palms together lightly.
  • For an advanced stretch, keep the elbows on the inside of the knees and press against them, applying a steady and smooth pressure.
  • If it is comfortable, stay in this posture for 1 to 2 minutes, take deep breaths.

Props and modifications

  • Chances are that the high heels can come during the coming in the pose. Therefore, to maintain balance, keep a fold blanket under your feet.
  • Apart from this, keeping a yoga block under your each foot makes this posture more comfortable.
  • In the beginning, you can perform this yoga pose against the wall for better support.
  • Going to the right posture is very important. So, consider taking the help of a partner or yoga teacher/instructor to come to this posture.
  • To speed up Malasana (Garland Pose), place one hand firmly on the floor, and raise another hand while rotating the torso.
ALSO READ:  Fighting Warrior Pose (Yudhasana): Steps, Benefits, and Contraindications

Malasana Variation I

Malasana I (Garland Pose I) Steps, Variations and Benefits - Sharp Muscle


  1. Squat on hunches with your feet together. Your soles and ankles should rest completely on the floor. Raise your seat off the floor and balance.
  2. Now widen your knees and move your torso forward.
  3. Exhale, wrap your arms around your bent legs and rest your palms on the floor.
  4. Take your hands one by one behind your back and clasp your fingers.
  5. Then stretch your back and neck up.
  6. Stay in this position for 30 to 60 seconds and keep your breathing normally.
  7. Now breath out, bend forward and rest your head on the floor. Stay in this position for 30 to 60 seconds here as well with normal breathing.
  8. Inhale, lift your head off the floor and return to Step-5.
  9. Release your hands and rest them on the floor.

Malasana Variation II

Malasana II (Garland Pose II) Steps Variations and Benefits - Sharp Muscle
Image: inspiremyyoga/Instagram


  1. Stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) with the inner edges of your feet touching.
  2. Bring your arms parallel to the floor to help with balance. Keeping your feet together and flat on the ground, exhale and squat down while keeping your hips off the floor.
  3. Separate your knees and lean forward between them. Extend your arms forward until your upper arms touch the inner side of your knees and bring your hands into prayer position. Press your hands together and widen your elbows against the resistance of your knees. Press the inner sides of your feet down and press your knees into your upper arms. Root your tailbone down and stretch upward from the core of your pelvis to the crown of your head.
  4. Inhale, reach back with your hands, and hold onto your heels. While exhaling, bring the head to the ground. Keep your heels down on the floor. Spread your toes and press down firmly on the balls of your big toes. Continue to move your knees inward. Hold this pose for 30 to 60 seconds, then release.

Precautions and contraindications

It is necessary to practice Malasana (Sitting Down Pose) on an empty stomach. Therefore, practice Garland Pose in the morning on an empty stomach or at least 4 hours after eating food.

Except for pregnant women, most of the cases listed below can be overcome with careful practice under the guidance of a experienced yoga teacher/instructor.

  • Don’t put all your weight on the toes or heels. It will not be good for the feet. Instead, spread your entire body weight evenly across your legs.
  • Descend slowly and gently into Garland Pose. Do not do this yoga pose in a hurry.
  • Do not do this yoga asana too much in one session. Practice the Garland Pose (Wide Squat Pose) slowly for a limited number of minutes.
  • The pose brings tremendous pressure on your knees and ankles, so a practitioner with knee or ankle injury should avoid Yogi Squat Pose.
  • Practitioner with a ligament tear in the knee or ankle should avoid Upavesasana.
  • The pose puts a lot of pressure on your abdominal region and should be avoided by pregnant women.
  • If there is pain in the lower back and it needs rest, then avoid this yoga pose completely.
  • The Wide Squat Pose should not be practiced by athletes as a relaxation posture immediately after running, as pressure on the ankles and calves can only cause further damage to the knee and the tissues around the ankles.

5 Bodyweight Exercises For Men That Anyone Can Master

Check out these 5 bodyweight exercises for men we should all be doing on a regular basis.

5 Bodyweight Exercises for Men 2

There are a few bodyweight exercises which should be part of every man’s life when it comes to staying fit, healthy and strong.

This article isn’t about showing you specific workouts, it’s purely about our 5 favorite bodyweight exercises for men that we love doing as often as possible.

We believe all men should try and get the techniques of these basic exercises right, and then work on improving your strength and stamina by doing these exercises more and more.

5 Bodyweight Exercises For Men

Bodyweight training is what we are mostly about here at Bald Brothers.

We have both been bodyweight addicts for years now, and I can’t actually remember when last either of us paid for a gym membership.

And for those of you who think using only your bodyweight for fitness cannot get any results, think again!

There are many men out there that are really well built, all thanks to bodyweight workouts and exercises.

You just got to know what to do, and how to do it.

Some of the best benefits coming from bodyweight training include:

  • They are free!
  • Can be done from anywhere, be it whilst travelling, your bedroom, your local park, etc
  • The strength you gain is natural, and usually stays with you a lot longer
  • No time wasted driving to and from a gym
  • You have no more excuses, so you gotta get them done!

Right, let’s get to the 5 bodyweight exercises which we love to hate, but we keep doing them as they work!

Exercise #1: Push Ups

Traditional push ups are a good upper body workout, and target triceps, chest and shoulders.

They also work your lower back and core.

I have put push ups at number one because they really are the one exercise that every man should be doing as much as possible.

You can literally do them anywhere, and they are a great way to build upper body strength.

I personally try and hit a certain number of push ups every single day, no matter what other workouts I have done.

Just always make sure your form is correct.

Quality is better than quantity!

How to do the perfect push up:

Exercise #2: Burpees

I absolutely hate burpees.

I really do.

But they are the one exercise that seems to work better than any other.

No matter how many I do, or how fit I feel, I just cannot ever seem to get ahead of them.

But if you are ever confused as to what exercise to do that’ll give you the ultimate all round workout in the space of minutes, then you should just resort to burpees.

A simple 10 minutes of doing burpees will make you feel like you have run a marathon.

Burpees work almost your entire body.

They are great for conditioning your body and enhancing your endurance levels.

So if you want to add an exercise to your daily routine that’ll get you in shape pretty quickly, then make sure to do a few burpees.

How to do the perfect burpee:

Exercise #3: Squats

Bodyweight squats are another really useful and versatile exercise we all need to be doing correctly.

This is another effective exercise that can be performed virtually anywhere and requires no equipment whatsoever.

Squats work almost every single lower body muscle, and have many benefits.

Some of the benefits of doing bodyweight squats include:

  • Building muscle
  • Increases strength
  • Improves hip mobility
  • Can burn fat

The most important thing about bodyweight squats is your form.

You NEED to make sure you do them correctly!

How to do the perfect bodyweight squat:

Exercise #4: Pull Ups

In this day and age, almost every single city has outdoor gyms in various public parks. And these gyms always have a bar to use for pull ups and chin ups.

And even if your park doesn’t have one, you can really get creative.

I have used jungle gym bars at children’s play areas in the early hours to get a few pull up workouts done.

So there’s no excuse.

If you have built your own pull up bar in your home, then even better!

Some of the main benefits of doing pull ups include:

  • Grip strength
  • Weight loss
  • Increase your core and back strength
  • Works lats, shoulders, arms, forearms and core at once
  • Makes you feel and look good!

The hardest thing about pull ups is getting good at them.

It’s perfectly normal to be able to only do 3 or 4 at first, or even less.

But with practice you can really increase your reps, and you’ll start to feel your strength get better and better.

How to do the pull ups:

Exercise #5: Planks

Last, but definitely not least, are body planks.

It’s a good idea to not always do standard crunches and sit ups when you want to strengthen your core.

A good alternative is to start doing planks.

They are not only good for your core muscles, but also strengthen your back, neck, shoulders and chest.

If you have never done planks before, then try one and see how long you can do it for. Use that as a base and try improving with each week.

I love combining planks with a few of the other exercises mentioned above.

How to do planks:

A Quick & Simple Workout Combining The Above Exercises

Try out this quick and simple workout using 4 of the exercises mentioned above.

It only takes a few minutes, so it’s perfect if you don’t have much time.

  • 25 Push ups
  • 10 Body squats
  • 10 Burpees
  • 45 Seconds plank

Take a one minute rest and repeat two more times.

If you feel you can only manage two sets, then that’s fine!
